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Pest Control Advertising: Top Do's and Don'ts for Effective PPC Ads

Written by Molly Weybright | Dec 15, 2020 11:00:00 PM

Digital visibility is more important than ever for small businesses to be able to bring in new customers. By February 2019, 97% of people were learning about a local company via the internet, and that’s even before a pandemic forced the majority of the world to retreat inside, boosting internet usage by as much as 70%. In other words, online advertising has long since transitioned from “the way of the future” to “the here and now” and as an expert pest control company, you need to ensure you’re doing everything you can to create high-quality ads every time.

When it comes to advertising your pest control business online, you want to get the largest return for the least amount of money, right? To do this, you’ll need to create pest control ads that use commonly searched keywords so that your pest control company appears at or near the top of the search results on Google and Bing. This will improve the quality score in Google Ads, which means cheaper clicks and better ad placement for your business! Following these simple do’s and don’ts of pest control advertising on Google Ads will boost your clickthrough rate and get your pest control business noticed by potential customers in your area.

DO: Enhance Headlines With Keywords

The headlines of your pest control ads are most likely the first thing potential customers will see when they come upon your ads. Because of this, you’ll want to enhance the headlines by using keywords that call out specific services customers are likely to search. We recommend emphasizing one or two services that you perform as well as the area you service. When a potential customer searches for vole removal in your area, they are much more likely to click on an ad that says “Vole Removal in [Location]” than an ad that says “Pest Control Near You.”

To build successful pest control ads you have to walk the line between too-descriptive and too-vague headlines. When someone comes across your advertisement the goal is to ensure they know right away that you are the pest control company for the job. Focusing on clarity, conciseness, and consistency will help boost your headlines and, in turn, your overall pest control ad quality.

DON’T: Overstuff Your Ads With Keywords

When thinking about what to include in your pest control ads, it may seem smart to simply insert as many potential keywords as you can into the ad’s headline and description. That way you’re covered for everything a potential customer might search, right? Wrong. This tactic, also known as keyword stuffing, is not only ineffective but is also cause for your site or ads to get flagged by Google. Instead, focus on one or two services that will appeal directly to someone seeking a specific pest control service in your area.

For example, although your pest control company likely handles a myriad of pest problems, you are likely to see significantly more success focusing on one area you specialize in. This way, if your ad says, “Expert Bed Bug Removal” someone searching for bed bug removal in your area will see that you are the company for the job. Creating multiple ad groups that emphasize your expertise in different areas will help you appeal to all potential customers without overstuffing your ads!

DO: Specify Your Location

To ensure you are appealing to customers in the areas you service, you’ll want to include location specifics in your pest control ads. According to a study, 72% of computer or tablet users and 67% of smartphone users want ads that are customized to their city or zip code. By emphasizing the areas your pest control company services, you are automatically setting yourself up for success with the majority of potential customers. After all, people are much more likely to click an ad when they’re sure it’s local rather than risking wasting time figuring out if the pest control company can even help them.

You can emphasize your location in multiple locations on your pest control advertisements. The headline is a prominently displayed spot to help customers know immediately that you are in their area. You can also note your location in the description lines and even in the URL path. Mentioning your location in an easily-noticed part of your pest control ads will help increase conversion.

DON’T: Confuse Your Service With a Product

It’s important to keep in mind when building your pest control ads what exactly it is you are selling. In other words, you are selling a service not a product. At first this may seem like splitting hairs, but once you consider the time spent turning people away who are looking for pest control products such as traps and sprays you’ll realize this distinction is important.

No matter how carefully you curate your pest control ads, a proportion of the people who see your ads will be seeking a pest control product rather than professional pest control services. But, taking this distinction into consideration when building out your pest control ads will help lower that proportion significantly, saving you time and money in the long run!

DO: Use Descriptions to Stand Out

The advertisement description is found directly below the headline and can be used to add value to your ads. In order to boost your pest control ads you want to use the description to state why you are the company to fulfill the promise stated in the ad’s headline. The description is the place to elaborate on your services and focus on what sets you above and beyond the competitors in your area. Plus, don’t forget to mention your company name in the description line so potential customers know exactly who you are! You can also add more keywords to the description to make your ad appear higher up on Google. After all, 92% of searchers will pick businesses on the first page of search results.

Descriptions can emphasize certain service offerings or specials that you think would make a potential customer choose your pest control business over a competitor. Focusing on elements such as your 24 hour emergency services, seasonal specials, and any discounts you offer will add value to your pest control ads and encourage potential customers to click on your company. Keep in mind that the longer your description, the less likely people are going to read it, so finding a way to add value to your ads while keeping things short and sweet is key.

DON’T: Forget About the URL

It’s important to remember that every search result in Google is accompanied by a URL that the searcher will be redirected to if they click the ad. This element may not be something that you have thought about when creating your pest control ads, but it can be a helpful tool to further boost your company in the search results. Using keywords to name the pages on your website that your ads will be redirecting to will enhance your ad’s performance. Plus, people are more likely to click on an ad when they know they are being sent to the specific page they’re looking for on a pest control website.

For example, if a search for “Vole Removal in Austin, TX” yields two results, customers will be more likely to click on the pest control ad that redirects to “” than one redirecting to “”. Though this may seem minuscule, every little bit helps, especially if it means further enhancing your pest control ads with more keywords!

DO: Use a CTA to Encourage Conversion

A good practice when building out ads for your pest control business is wording everything to encourage conversion. In other words, you want your ads to be phrased so that potential customers see the value in clicking the ad and eventually contact your pest control company regarding your services. To do this, focus on building a connection between clicking your pest control ad and accomplishing their goals. Actionables like “Call Us” further encourage conversion from searchers to do exactly what you want, which is to click your ad and contact you for your pest control services!

For example, you might want to write a description that says: “We Get Rid of Ants in Your Home Fast. Call for Affordable Pest Control in Austin.” This description is not only saying your pest control company can eradicate a potential customer’s ant problem, but you can also do it affordably. Plus, it tells searchers that to get the pest control help they need all they have to do is pick up the phone and contact your expert company!

Online advertising is a must to get your company noticed by locals in need of your pest control services. But, digital advertising isn’t as simple as it seems. Tactics like pest control lead generation services, social media marketing, and search engine optimization all help boost traffic to your website. These do’s and don’ts of pest control advertising will help you create clear, concise ads that’ll get your business noticed!