What to Expect When Buying Mold Removal Leads from Service Direct
January 20, 2023 by Molly Weybright

What to Expect When Buying Mold Removal Leads from Service Direct

Updated on January 11, 2024

Service Direct has been providing top-notch lead generation services to mold removal companies for more than 15 years.

Our team is constantly innovating and testing new techniques to ensure the right customers are directed to your business, resulting in a steady influx of leads.

But don't just take our word for it—the proof is in the pudding as they say. We have gathered data using 2 methods to give you an idea of what to expect when buying Service Direct leads:

  • Client Reporting: Our mold removal clients receive detailed reports on various lead generation metrics, such as call duration, booking outcomes, revenue generated, and more. This information helps us improve customer experience and boost results.
  • Internal Reporting: Our Quality Assurance experts review recorded calls to extract valuable insights like caller intent, greeting style, language, and more.

By leveraging this data, we can continuously improve our pay per call service to better meet your needs. Plus, we can provide a transparent view of what you can anticipate when you purchase mold removal leads with Service Direct.

Understanding how our pay per call services work

At Service Direct, we offer pay per call lead generation for service-oriented businesses of many sizes. In order to ensure your mold removal company is a good fit, it's important that you understand how our service works. 

In essence, we supply you with live phone calls from individuals who are actively seeking mold removal services in the service area that you establish when you sign up with us.

Once you specify your service area and set the bidding price for each lead, we take care of everything else. You are only charged when Service Direct provides a mold removal call that fulfills the criteria of a billable lead.

What makes Service Direct Marketplace stand out from other lead generation firms? Here are a few distinctive characteristics:

  • We provide exclusive phone leads. When you receive a call through SD, it exclusively belongs to you. There's no battling against other mold removal companies in your area for the same call from that potential customer.
  • You can modify your service area and cost per lead whenever necessary to expand or reduce your inbound call rate.
  • Our simple-to-use mySD dashboard enables you to track important statistics and optimize your return on investment.

What Results can you expect from SD marketplace?

Now that you understand how we drive leads directly to your mold removal company, you could already be heading to sign up for our Marketplace service. But, if you still need some convincing, you might be interested to hear about the results our mold removal clients see. 


Percentage of calls where the caller has a service need.


Average first call booking rate from calls with a service need.


Average job value based on client reported data.

Of course, it's important to mention that every business is going to see different results depending on a variety of factors such as location, business model, and pricing. But these are the results we have seen through our work with hundreds of mold removal companies across the country.

Ultimately, whether you are a single-person business or are the biggest company in your region, we are dedicated to driving top-tier leads directly to you. 

See How Many Leads We Have in Your AreaThe biggest part of that is bringing calls to your business that are from actual customers seeking mold removal services. As a business in the 2020s, you probably experience your fair share of wrong numbers, job seekers, solicitors, and spam calls. We are constantly working to limit those calls. 

In fact, for our mold removal clients, the likelihood that a Service Direct-generated call is from a potential customer is around 32%—a number we are proud of and are also always working to improve.

Plus, with our commitment to only charging you for billable leads, you’re never going to pay for a call generated by Service Direct that isn’t someone actively seeking your services in the area you’ve previously established. 

Even better, when our mold removal clients answer phone calls from potential customers, they are able to book the job 65% of the time! This speaks to the skill that our clients have to seal the deal as well as the quality of leads we provide. If you're looking to improve your conversion rate, check out our helpful Guide to Turning Inbound Phone Calls into Booked Service Appointments.

Top it off with the knowledge that the average ticket price for Service Direct mold removal jobs is $2,094 and you can see why our customers are able to see significant growth through Service Direct Marketplace. 

Gather More Info With Our Call Insights Free Trial 

The numbers we have gathered on our mold removal clients’ success help paint a picture of what you can expect from Service Direct Marketplace. But if you decide to work with us, we want to ensure you are provided with as much data as possible to exceed those expectations.

One of the newest and best ways we are arming mold removal companies with that info is through Call Insights.

Call Insights Mold Removal Example Image

With this service, our team of Quality Assurance experts will review the calls you are receiving through Service Direct and provide you with incredibly helpful information. These insights provide opportunities for you to improve your role in lead generation by illuminating why potential customers elected not to book your mold removal services during the initial call. 

You’ll receive a monthly Call Insights Report that will outline that data and more, helping you improve or adjust your sales skills to book more jobs. 

We’re so confident that this service is unbeatable that we offer a free trial so that you can see what we already know: Call Insights is the road to success.

What about non-billable calls?

From the beginning, Service Direct has been dedicated to only driving valid calls from potential customers to mold removal businesses like yours. 



Of course, we can’t prevent every single invalid call from going through (if we could we think we’d be running the world) but we can ensure you aren’t responsible for paying for any calls that never had the potential to turn into customers. 

In order to maintain billing integrity and keep driving the best calls to you, we introduced Quality Check

By utilizing machine learning systems, we can automatically detect and eliminate almost 50% of spam calls and 40% of wrong number calls, with an accuracy rate of around 80%. Furthermore, the machine learning process is consistent and continuously improving.

Example Note From Quality Check in mySD Leads Manager V2 Image Source

Our Quality Assurance team will scrutinize every call to determine whether or not they qualify as billable. In addition, you can request a lead review within 7 days of delivery with ease. 

Providing outstanding leads is our top priority, and we are continually working to ensure that our customers only pay for potential new clients.

Determining if A Client Needs Mold Removal or Mold Testing

When you receive a call through Service Direct, it’s important to determine whether the client needs mold removal or just mold testing. In other words, does the client know that they have mold or do they think they might have mold?

The goal is to ask the right questions to identify if the situation requires immediate remediation or if testing is needed. Mold removal is typically required when there are visible signs of mold or if the client reports severe issues, while testing might be more appropriate when there's uncertainty about mold presence.

Keep these questions in mind when speaking with a potential client:

  • Do you see visible mold growth? If a client sees visible mold, they need mold removal services as soon as possible. 
  • Have you experienced any unusual odors? If so, describe the smell and where it's coming from.
  • Have you noticed any signs of water damage or leaks? Mold often thrives in damp environments, so knowing if there’s a history of water issues can help.
  • When did you first notice the issue? Understanding the timeline can help gauge the severity of the situation.
  • Have you had a mold test before? If testing has already been done, ask for the results to evaluate the need for further action.
  • Do you need to know if you have a mold problem? If the client is unsure, it likely means they need mold testing rather than mold removal.

By asking these questions, you can better determine if the client needs immediate mold removal or if a mold test should be conducted to assess the situation before any removal efforts.


We know how important it is for small businesses like yours to have ultimate control over crucial factors like budget, hours of operation, and service area. Your mold removal company is your baby—you shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to make simple yet key changes.

At Service Direct, we’re proud to offer you ultimate control over your Marketplace mold removal campaigns. We believe this accessibility is especially important because it allows you to optimize your campaigns in the moment versus having to speak with a representative to do something as simple as adjusting your cost per lead. 

Some of the many tools we offer to increase the control you have over mold removal campaigns:

  • Service Area Adjustment: Are there times when you don’t have enough specialists to drive 45 minutes away? Or maybe you want to increase your service area to drive more leads. No matter the reason, you are able to quickly and easily adjust the ZIP codes that your mold removal campaigns are targeting. 
  • Lead Manager: With the lead manager you can see an overview of the leads you’re receiving through Service Direct as well as view granular data about those leads. This is also where you can listen back to previous leads and request that leads be reviewed.


  • Campaigns Manager: This provides an easy-to-follow and detailed overview of your mold removal campaigns. You can easily organize your campaigns here and make crucial changes with the click of a button to optimize lead generation success.
  • Lead Volume Control: This is where you can make key changes to mold removal campaigns to adjust for the ever-changing factors that come into play when running a business. Whether you want to temporarily pause your campaigns, implement an ad schedule, or adjust your cost per lead, you can do it with the lead volume manager. 


This blog contains valuable data that can help in setting expectations for purchasing mold removal leads from Service Direct.

To achieve optimal results, it's essential that you know how to convert answered calls into scheduled appointments, modify your approach in real-time to maximize outcomes, and answer every call promptly.

While these recommendations should set you up for success with Service Direct, the reality is that individual results may vary. It's impossible to predict precisely how it will impact your business until you give the Service Direct platform a try, but we think you’ll be more than satisfied!

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