Electrician Email Marketing Best Practices to Generate Leads
September 17, 2022 by Taylor Stafford

Electrician Email Marketing Best Practices To Generate Leads

Updated on January 19, 2023

As an electrician, you know that generating leads is essential to your business. You also know that email marketing is a great way to do this. 

But are you doing it right? Are you getting the most out of your email campaigns? 

Luckily, if you are using email marketing in any way to grow your electrician business, you’re already ahead of 24% of small businesses who reported not using email marketing at all.  


In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best practices for electrician email marketing to help ensure you are making the most of your time and resources. 

We'll give you tips on how to optimize your email metrics to increase delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates. Plus, we'll give you ideas for some top-notch electrician email campaigns. 

Read on and learn how to generate more leads through email marketing!

Determine Email Marketing's role in Your Business Strategy

Before you start using email marketing to reach your goals, you need to determine what role email marketing will play in your electrician marketing strategy. 

There are a variety of ways electricians can use email marketing, such as sending out monthly newsletters or creating targeted emails for specific customer lists.

However, you’ll need to figure out which method best aligns with your business goals. 

For example, if an electrician's goal is brand awareness, then sending monthly newsletters could be a good option. On the other hand, if an electrician's goal is to generate leads, then creating targeted emails would be a better option. 

Or, if like 48% of small businesses, your goal is to generate new customers, you might focus on running campaigns featuring new-customer discounts or offers.


No matter what large-scale goal you have for your electrician business, email marketing can play a big part in achieving it.  

That’s why it’s key to spend time developing your email marketing purpose before you get started. This way, you'll be able to create an email marketing strategy that helps you reach your goals and grow your electrician business.

the biggest email marketing challenge for small businesses

If you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of diving headfirst into email marketing, you’re not alone. Many small businesses struggle with various elements of digital marketing. 

In fact, 36% of small businesses reported that optimizing their email metrics is their biggest challenge when it comes to email marketing.  It can be overwhelming to improve metrics like your CPM, click through rate, open rate, etc. all at once.


Of course, optimizing key metrics is also one of the most important facets of a successful email marketing strategy. 

That’s why we’ve provided tips on how to clean your email list, increase open rates, and improve email click-through rates in this blog. Read on for more!Free Download: Email Marketing Checklist


In order for electricians to generate more leads, it is essential to have a clean email list

A clean email list is defined as an email list that only consists of active subscribers who are interested in hearing from you. 

There are a few ways to go about cleaning your electrician email marketing list: 

  • The first way is to send out a re-engagement campaign. This type of campaign is when you send out an email to your entire list asking them to confirm that they still want to receive emails from you. 
  • Another way to clean your electrician email marketing list is to segment it. This means that you divide your list into smaller groups based on certain criteria, such as location, age, or engagement levels. Segmenting your list makes it easier to target your content and increase relevance. 
  • Finally, you can also use a third-party tool to help clean your email list.  These tools help verify emails and remove any inactive or invalid addresses from your list. 

Overall, it’s essential to have a clean electrician email marketing list if you want to increase your delivery rates and generate more leads. By sending out a re-engagement campaign, segmenting your list, and using tools to your advantage, you can easily achieve this.

Email Marketing Delivery Statistics-electrician

Increase OPEN RATES by adjusting EMAIL SETTINGS

There are several things that electricians can do to increase open rates, including optimizing your emails for mobile devices, using images that load quickly, setting up specific send times, and testing different delivery days.

Mobile optimization is important because more and more people are reading emails on their phones. In fact, 66% of consumers report using their phones to research small businesses. 


This means that you should make sure that your email layouts are mobile-friendly and easy to read on a small screen. You should also avoid using large or high-resolution images, as these can lead to long load times on mobile phones.

It is also important to choose the right time to send emails. 

Sending them too early in the morning may mean that they get lost in people's inboxes, while sending them too late in the evening may mean that they get missed altogether. 

Testing different times and days of the week can help you find the best time to send your electrician emails.

Finally, you should also test different delivery days to see if there are specific days that lead to higher open rates than others. 

Some people check their email every day, while others only check it once or twice a week. By testing different days, you’ll be one step closer to getting your electrician emails in front of as many people as possible.

Improve SUBJECT LINES to increase open rates

Email open rate is one of the most significant metrics for measuring your email marketing success is open rate. A good open rate helps increase click-throughs and leads generated by your email campaigns, so you'll want to do everything you can to keep yours high. On top of adjusting your email settings, improving your subject lines can also improve open rate. 

Keep these tips in mind when looking to improve your electrician email subject lines:

  • First, focus on creating catchy and interesting subject lines that will make recipients want to learn more. For example, "New Services Alert: Electric Car Charger Installation" or "Are you prepared for an electrical outage?"
  • Second, consider using personalization in your subject lines. Addressing recipients by name is a great way to grab their attention and make them feel like the email is relevant to them. For example, "Hey [first name], don’t let this snowstorm put out your lights!" or "Don't get left in the dark: Tips for preparing for an electrical outage in [state]!"
  • Third, avoid using excessive punctuation or emojis. These elements not only make your subject line more difficult to read, but they can also be distracting and too informal. 
  • Finally, keep it short and sweet. Subject lines that are too long are likely to be truncated in recipients' inboxes, so focus on making yours concise and easy to read. 

By following these simple tips, you can dramatically improve your electrician email subject lines and increase your open rates. 

Improve CLICK THROUGH RATES by creating great email copy and formatting

For many small businesses looking to drive leads through email marketing, crafting effective email copy can be a challenge. You need to write impactful email copy in order to get your click-through rates to where they need to be (as high as possible.)

To increase click-through rates on your electrician emails, you should focus on creating clear and concise email copy that is properly formatted.

Because subject lines are the first thing many email recipients will see, it’s essential that they are formatted correctly. The best subject lines are brief and to the point, and make use of keywords that will pique the recipient's interest.

Once the recipient has opened the email, it is important to maintain their attention by keeping the copy short and sweet. To do this, you should focus on highlighting the most important information, such as special offers or discounts.

You should also avoid using too much technical jargon in your emails, as this can turn potential customers off. Instead, focus on explaining the benefits of your services in plain language. 

When it comes to layout, it's important to keep your emails visually appealing and easy to scan. Use short paragraphs, bulleted lists, and CTA buttons to make it clear what people should do to act.

Finally, proper formatting is essential to keeping recipients engaged. Emails should be easy to scan, with plenty of white space and clear headings. 


By following these simple tips, electricians can create email copy that will grab attention and encourage recipients to take action.

top electrician email campaign ideas

With so many different email campaigns to choose from, it can be tough to know which ones will be most effective. In fact, many electricians might even have trouble knowing where to start. 

Keeping an eye on the top email campaigns being sent by other small businesses like yours is a great place to start. In our research, we found that content promotion, new product announcements, and discount emails were the most commonly sent types of campaigns. 


Keep these in mind when deciding what types of campaigns you might want to start out with for your electrician marketing strategy. 

To further help you make the best decision for your electrician business, here are 4 specific email campaigns to consider:

  • Introductory offer: Send an introductory offer to new subscribers, such as a discount on their first job or a free consultation. This is a great way to entice new leads and show them what your electrician business is all about.
  • Referral program: Offer existing customers a discount or incentive for referring new customers to your business. This is an excellent way to grow your customer base organically and generate more word-of-mouth marketing for your electrician business.
  • Regular newsletter: Over half of consumers reported at least sometimes subscribing to businesses’ newsletters. Because of that, these campaigns can be a great way to stay in touch with your customers and update them on any new services, special offers, or new hires. 
  • Testimonial requests: With 71% of consumers stating that they are likely to leave a review if a company makes it easy for them to do so, you can’t afford to not run these email campaigns. By emailing previous customers with a link to your Google review site you can begin to generate essential testimonials.

By implementing one or more of these electrician email marketing campaigns, you can start generating more leads and growing your business today.

in conclusion

Electrician businesses like yours have a lot to gain from using these email marketing best practices to increase their open rates, delivery rates, and click-through rates. By doing so, you will be able to bring in more customers and see your business thrive like never before.

It may take some time and effort to implement all of these tips, but it will be well worth it in the end. So if you're an electrician business owner, don't hesitate to put these tips into action and start seeing the amazing results for yourself!

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