How To Generate Electrician Leads with Facebook Ads
May 11, 2022 by Taylor Stafford

How to Generate Electrician Leads with Facebook Ads

Updated on August 29, 2023

As an electrician, you know that generating leads is essential to growing your business. But, sometimes it can feel daunting researching strategies to drive leads to your small business. That’s where Facebook advertising comes in. 

With 30% of consumers reporting that they patronized a business as the result of a Facebook ad, they can be an affordable and effective way to generate leads. But it's important to use them effectively. 


In this article, we will discuss the different types of Facebook ads and how they work. We'll also give you some examples of effective electrician Facebook Ads. Once you have the knowledge, growing your electrician business with Facebook Ads won't seem nearly as daunting! 

organic social media vs. paid social ads

Before we dive too deep into Facebook ads for your electrician business, it’s important that you understand the difference between paid and organic social media. 

You might already recognize that Facebook ads fall into the “paid social” category, but what else is paid social? And what exactly comprises organic social media

Let’s dive deeper into the difference:

  • Organic Social Media: Put simply, organic social is any free content that you create and post to your social media channels. This can include photos, status updates, shared posts, and more. As long as you don’t pay for it, it’s organic. 
  • Paid Social Ads: Anything that you pay to promote will fall into this category. This includes but is not limited to paid ads, sponsored content, and influencer partnerships

Although the concept may sound simple, it’s very important that you understand the difference between these two types of social media content, especially because your marketing strategy should include both.

After all, with 60% of small businesses posting on Facebook at least once a week, you can’t afford to miss out. 

So why do Facebook ads work so well?

Facebook ads are a powerful marketing tool for small businesses looking to generate leads and grow. There are a number of reasons why Facebook ads are so effective for this purpose.

  • First, Facebook ads allow you to target your audience very specifically. You can target people based on their location, age, gender, interests, and more. This ensures that your ad is seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your services as an electrician.
  • Secondly, Facebook ads are affordable. You can set a budget for your ad campaign and only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This makes Facebook ads an extremely cost-effective way to reach new potential customers.
  • Finally, Facebook ads offer a great way to track results. You can see how many people have seen your ad, how many people have clicked on it, and what kind of results you’re getting from your ad campaign. This allows you to make necessary adjustments to ensure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck. 

Clearly, when it comes to marketing for electricians, Facebook ads are hard to beat.

Different Types of Facebook Ads to use for Your electrician business

Facebook ads for electricians can be a great way to generate leads and grow your business.

Facebook Ad TypesHere we'll discuss some different types of Facebook ads that can be particularly effective for electricians.

  • Lead generation ad: These ads feature a call-to-action button that allows users to sign up for your mailing list or request a quote. The key to making these ads effective is to target them toward homeowners or businesses in your service area who are likely in need of electrical work.
  • Brand awareness ad: These ads feature your contact information and logo, and they're designed to put your name and face in front of as many people as possible. Brand awareness ads are most effective when they're targeted toward people who live or work in areas where you're looking to expand your business.
  • Retargeting ad: Retargeting ads are shown to people who have visited your website but didn't take action, like requesting a quote or signing up for your mailing list. These ads can be customized to show different offers or messages, depending on what you think will best motivate the user to take action. For example, you could offer a referral reward or highlight some of your recent positive reviews.

Overall, Facebook ads can be a great way to reach new customers and grow your electrician business. When used effectively, these ads can help you generate leads, build brand awareness, and increase sales.


One of the most important types of content out there right now is video. This is largely due to Tiktok, the viral app with over a billion users that focuses solely on short-form video content. 

This growth in video engagement is particularly prevalent in the younger generation, who are quickly becoming the people you’re going to want to target with your electrician ads. So, in order to stay relevant and ensure you are reaching the right audience, you need to be creating video ads. 



Source: Spark Electrician Services

But, it’s not just as simple as throwing together a video and hoping it is good enough. You need to ensure that you are keeping a few key tactics in mind so that your videos are accessible and aren’t turning anyone away. 

  • Length: Because short-form video content is thriving right now, that’s what you want to focus on for your ads. Plus, when people are scrolling through Facebook, they’re most likely not interested in watching a long video. We recommend keeping your video under 3 minutes. 
  • Captions: You’ll want to include easy-to-read captions directly on your videos. This is in large part because they make your ads more accessible to people who are hard of hearing. It’s also important to connect with anyone using their phone without sound.
  • Engagement: With the nature of scrolling, you’ll want to do what you can to capture potential customers’ attention immediately with your ads. That means putting the value proposition or most engaging piece of content at the very beginning of the video. 

Keeping these tips in mind will help you create engaging video ads, which are a surefire way to increase your advertising ROI

How does Facebook Advertising Work?

We’ve already mentioned that Facebook ads are highly effective when it comes to targeting potential customers. Let’s look closer at how exactly Facebook ads work. 

Here are 4 best practices for creating effective Facebook ads for electricians:

  • Clearly state what you do and who you serve. When creating your ad, be clear about what services you offer and who your target audience is. This will help to ensure that only people who are interested in your services see your ad.
  • Use strong visuals. People are more likely to engage with an ad that includes strong visuals. Make sure your ad features an image or video that will grab people's attention and convey the message of your ad effectively.
  • Use persuasive copy. Your ad copy should be convincing and persuade people to take action, whether it's contacting you for more information or scheduling an appointment. Be sure to highlight the benefits of working with you as an electrician.
  • Target your audience wisely. One of the great things about Facebook advertising is that you can target your ads to a specific audience. This ensures that your ad reaches people who are most likely to be interested in your services. When targeting your audience, consider factors such as location, age, and gender.

By following these best practices, you can create effective Facebook ads that will help you reach new customers and grow your business.

What is meta Pixel?

If you're an electrician looking for a cost-effective way to generate leads, Meta Pixel is a great option. 

Meta Pixel is a piece of code that you can add to your website. Once it's installed, it allows you to track data about your website visitors, such as how they found your site and what pages they viewed. This information can be used to create targeted Facebook ads that reach potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your services.

For example, if you know that someone visited your website after seeing an ad for electrical services, you can target them with a similar ad on Facebook. Meta Pixel makes it easy to track your marketing efforts and measure their effectiveness, so you can make the most of your advertising budget.

How do Facebook Ad Objectives Work?

Facebook ads are based on objectives—that is, what you want your ad to achieve. 

There are 4 different categories of objectives: awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty. Depending on your goals, you'll want to choose the objective that best aligns with what you're trying to accomplish.


  • Awareness objectives are all about getting your name out there and increasing brand awareness. If you're just starting out or looking to break into a new market, this is probably the objective for you. 
  • Consideration objectives are all about getting people interested in your product or service. If you're looking to generate leads or get people to sign up for your newsletter, this is the objective for you. 
  • Conversion objectives are all about getting people to take action, like making a purchase or scheduling an appointment. 
  • Loyalty objectives are all about keeping people coming back for more. If you're looking to increase customer retention or drive repeat business, this is the objective for you.

After you've selected your objective, the next step is to create your ad. Facebook offers a variety of ad formats and options, so you'll want to spend some time choosing the right one for your business.  

Once you've got everything set up, you'll be well on your way to growing your business with Facebook ads.

Free Download: Facebook Ads Checklist

how to set an Ad Budget for Your Facebook Ads

As an electrician, you may be wondering if Facebook ads are a good investment for growing your business. 

After all, there are a lot of potential customers on Facebook, and targeted ads can be a great way to reach them. But how much should you spend on Facebook ads?

The answer depends on a number of factors, including your overall marketing budget, your goals for the campaign, and the size of your target audience. 

To start, consider setting aside 5-10% of your marketing budget for Facebook ads. From there, you can experiment with different ad spend levels to see what works best for your business.

Keep in mind that Facebook ads can be very effective for electricians, but only if they are properly targeted. Make sure to target your ads to people in your area who are likely to need your services. By doing so, you can ensure that your Facebook ads campaign is successful and efficient.

How Facebook Retargeting Campaigns Work

Facebook retargeting campaigns are a powerful way for electricians to generate leads. 

Here's how they work: 

  • First, you create a Facebook ad and target it to people who live in your area and who have shown interest in home improvement or electrical work. 
  • Next, when people see your ad, they'll be more likely to click on it if they've already been to your website or if they're interested in what you have to say. 
  • Finally, once they click on your ad, they'll be taken to a landing page where they can learn more about your business and what you have to offer.

Electricians can use Facebook retargeting campaigns to their advantage by targeting ads to people who are most likely to be interested in their services. By doing this, they can increase the chances that their ads will be seen by potential customers and that those potential customers will take action after seeing the ad. 

In order to be successful, electricians need to create ads that are relevant and targeted to their audience, and that offer something of value. If done correctly, Facebook retargeting campaigns can be a powerful tool for generating leads and growing your business.

Examples of Good Facebook Ads for Electrician Companies

There are thousands of combinations of Facebook ads you can run, so let’s cut to the chase and discuss the types most likely to help your electrician business grow!

Offer A Seasonal or Periodic Deal on Conversion Ads

For electricians, seasonal and timely deals can be a great way to bring in new business. 

For example, offering a discount on winterization services in the fall can help drum up business before the busy season hits. Or running a spring promotion on electrical safety inspections can help keep your calendar full during slower months. 

By running targeted campaigns at key times of the year, electricians can stay top-of-mind with potential customers and maximize their ROI from Facebook ads.


Source: Garden Electrical

Highlight A Common Electrician Problem on a Lead Generation Ad

By highlighting a common electrician problem, you can let potential customers know that you are qualified to help them solve their issue. This can help to build trust and confidence in your business, and it can also lead to more customers contacting you for assistance.


Source: Joe Newton Electrical

Use Customer Testimonials on Engagement ads

By featuring testimonials prominently in your ads, you can quickly build trust and credibility with your target audience. Additionally, featuring testimonials can help to set your electrician business apart from the competition. 

If potential customers see that you have a track record of happy customers, they'll be more likely to choose your business over one that doesn't have any testimonials at all. 


Source: Spark Electrician Services

the cost of facebook ads for electricians

Facebook Ads for electricians can be a great way to get your business noticed. But how much do they cost? 

The average cost per click for an ad on Facebook is $1.72, but the price can vary depending on a number of factors, including the industry you are in, the time of year, and the type of ad you're running.

For example, ads that are targeted at people who live in rural areas or who are searching for electricians during an emergency situation will likely cost more than ads that are targeted at people who live in urban areas and who are looking for electricians for routine maintenance. 

The bottom line is that you can expect to pay anywhere from $0.50 to $5.00 per click for an ad on Facebook. Whether or not that seems like a lot of money, it's important to remember that you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad. 

So if you're able to create an ad that is relevant and interesting to your target audience, you could see a significant return on your investment.

in conclusion

Facebook offers an incredible opportunity to reach a vast audience with your marketing messages. And, thanks to the targeting options available through Facebook ads, you can make sure that your ads are seen by people who are actually interested in what you have to offer.

If you're not using Facebook ads to promote your electrician business, you're missing out on a great opportunity. With the tips we've discussed, you can get started with Facebook ads and see amazing results for your business. 

So what are you waiting for? Start today and see the success that Facebook ads can bring to your electrician business. Thanks for reading!

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