Roofer Email Marketing Tips & Tricks to Generate Leads
August 03, 2022 by Taylor Stafford

Roofer Email Marketing Tips & Tricks To Generate Leads

Updated on February 19, 2024

Email marketing is a great way to reach out to potential and current customers to build relationships, remind people of your services, and generate leads.  

Your roofing company can accomplish those goals and more by effectively using email marketing. Plus, with nearly a quarter of small businesses not using email marketing, you can even use it to get ahead of your competition. 


In this blog post, we will discuss how to use emails to achieve your roofing marketing goals as well as provide examples. 

Although getting started with roofing digital marketing may seem overwhelming, it’s doable for any small business and is well worth the time and effort you put in!

Decide how Email Marketing Will Play into Your Overall Roofing Marketing Strategy

Email marketing can be beneficial for roofing companies in a variety of ways. 

For example, email marketing can help to nurture and inform current customers, bring in new leads, and balance the workflow during the slow season. 

When potential customers see that your company is sending out informative and helpful emails, they are more likely to trust your company and consider you when they are ready for your services.

The first step to driving leads to your roofing company with email marketing is establishing clear and achievable goals. There are many different goals you can set depending on your business’s capacity and budget.

Once you know what you want to accomplish with your email marketing, you can tailor your content and design to fit your goals

By taking the time to establish a goal for your email marketing campaign, you can ensure that your campaign is successful and that you can increase your roofing leads.


Any business that relies on email to communicate with customers or prospects knows that deliverability is crucial. 

After all, if your emails can't get through to the people on your list, you're not going to be able to achieve your goals. 

So how can you make sure that your delivery rates are as high as possible? The short answer is to optimize your metrics and keep your email list clean.

But, if you feel like optimizing your email metrics is a challenge you’re struggling to face, you’re not alone: 35% of small businesses are in the same boat.


Essentially, when your email metrics are optimized, you're much more likely to see your messages delivered successfully. 

A clean email list is free of invalid, inactive, and duplicate addresses—all of which can hinder deliverability, which helps to ensure that your messages always reach their intended audience.

Email Marketing Delivery Statistics  Roofing

So take the time to optimize email metrics—remove inactive subscribers, duplicates, and hard-bounced email addresses while always making sure your list has up-to-date email addresses.

When you have a higher deliverability rate, you'll be able to improve your results and reach more people with your message.


As we continue the conversation on optimizing your email metrics to improve everything from deliverability to open rates, let’s discuss how your email settings can make or break your efforts. 

Here are 3 easy ways you can adjust your settings to increase open rates:

  • Optimize for mobile. With 66% of consumers preferring to use their phones when researching small businesses, it's important to make sure your messages work on mobile. Check that your subject lines and preview text are easy to read, and use a single-column layout for your email body.
  • Set delivery day/time for optimal engagement. Because every small business is different, you'll want to experiment with different days and times to see when your prospects are most likely to engage with your roofing emails. For example, if you're targeting homeowners, you might find that they're more likely to read their emails on weekends.
  • Use personalization to increase trust. Because people are more likely to open an email if it's from someone they know, you’ll want to use the name of a real person at your company as the sender. You will also want to use personalization tags, like {!FirstName}, in your sender name field to further boost engagement.

These are just a few ways you can adjust your email settings to improve open rates. By taking the time to optimize your settings, you'll be well on your way to achieving success with email marketing for roofers.

Free Download: Email Marketing Checklist


If your email open rates are low, it's possible that your subject lines could use some work. Here are a few tips to help you improve your subject lines and boost open rates:

  • Use an emoji in your subject line. A little bit of personality can go a long way, and with the help of emoticons it can make your subject line stand out in a crowded inbox. Just make sure to use only 1 emoji, or else your subject line may look cluttered.
  • Offer value in 7 words or less. Your subject line should be concise and to the point, offering value that will entice the reader to open the email. Try to sum up what's inside the email in just a few words.
  • Use tools to get your subject line graded. There are tons of tools that can help you rate the quality of your subject line, so you can gauge its effectiveness. Using this knowledge, you can fine-tune your subject lines for better open rates. 
  • Be strategic about your preview text. You’ll want to craft this brief snippet of text that appears underneath your subject line carefully, as it largely plays a role in whether or not someone clicks through to read your email.
  • Personalize your subject lines. Addressing the reader by name in the subject line can be a great way to increase open rates, as it makes the email feel more personal and tailored specifically for them. 

By following these tips, you can improve your open rates and make sure your roofing business' emails are actually being read.


In order to improve the overall click-through rate of your roofing emails, writing great email copy and spending time on formatting is a must. 

Research has consistently shown that email campaigns with compelling, relevant, and informative content perform better than those without. So, what can you do to make sure your roofing business's emails are up to par? 

  • For starters, use a single call to action. This will make it easy for recipients to know what you want them to do, whether it's click through to your website or call your business. 
  • Additionally, personalize your emails as much as possible. This could mean adding the recipient's name in the subject line or including information relevant to their location. We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again—personalization is key.
  • Lastly, keep your emails short and easy to read. Most people are unlikely to read a long, drawn-out email from a roofing company—or any company for that matter. Combat that by making your point early on in the email. 


By following these tips, you'll begin to see an improvement in your roofing business's overall click-through rates. Great email copy and formatting may seem like small details, but they can make a big difference in the success of your campaigns.

What Types of Email Campaigns Will Work Best For My Roofing Company?

At this point, you know that email marketing is not only an effective way to reach new and existing customers but that it is also an affordable way to grow and generate new leads. 

Before you get started, however, you need a clear idea of what type of emails you want to send to your customers. The best way to make that call is by researching different types of email marketing campaigns and picking the ones that fit your business model and capacity.

Here are a few of the best email campaign ideas for roofers:

  • Seasonal promotions: Take advantage of key roofing seasons by sending out special promotions or discounts. This is a great way to generate leads and increase your customer base. 
  • Newsletters: A quarter of consumers usually opt-in to newsletters when given the opportunity to do so. By sending out newsletters that include information on new roofing products, upcoming roofing events, or special offers, you’ll be able to connect with a significant portion of your existing customers. 
  • Contests and giveaway announcements: Who doesn't love a good contest or giveaway? Let people know about any contests or giveaways you're running by sending an email—this is a great way to generate interest and build your mailing list.
  • Educational resources: Help your customers and prospects learn more about roofing by sending them educational articles, videos, infographics, or other resources. Plus, content promotion emails (new blog posts, videos, etc.) have a 34% open rate.


Email marketing can be a highly effective way to grow your roofing business, but only if you use the right strategies for your company. 

By using some of the ideas above and brainstorming some of your own, you can make sure your email campaigns are working hard to generate leads and build your business.

Use Email Marketing to Generate Google Reviews

Did you know that 93% of consumers say that online reviews play a role in their decision to make a purchase or hire a business?

Because of that, it’s more important than ever that you get as many positive reviews as possible for your roofing business. Email is a key way to do that. 

With 71% of consumers being likely to leave a review if the company makes it easy to do so, you can generate tons of reviews simply by adding a direct link to your Google review page in emails asking for testimonials. 


Put simply, email is an invaluable tool for getting those key Google reviews to boost your customer base. 

in conclusion

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential roofing customers. By sending targeted and informative emails, roofers can connect with potential customers, build trust, and ultimately generate more business. 

However, email marketing is not a "set it and forget it" proposition.

In order to be successful, roofers need to put regular effort into developing compelling content, crafting attractive designs, and segmenting their audience. 

Additionally, roofers need to continually monitor their email campaigns to ensure that they are achieving their desired results. 

By following these best practices, roofers can maximize the effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns and grow their roofing businesses.

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