How To Build a Mold Remediation Website that Converts
August 13, 2022 by Taylor Stafford

How to Build a Mold Remediation Website that Converts

Updated on August 4, 2023

When it comes to mold remediation, having a website is no longer just an option—it's a necessity. But you can't just have any old website. With 88% of consumers being less likely to return to a site after having a bad experience, a premier website is key.  

In order to reach more potential customers and grow your business, you need to have a website that converts visitors into clients. But because consumers report that having a bad website is worse than not having a website at all, you also need to take steps to ensure your site is high quality.


Luckily, it's not as daunting as it may seem. By following some basic best practices, you can create a website that turns browsers into buyers.

In this blog post, we'll discuss the key components of a mold remediation website that converts, including the importance of having a clear call to action, a solid technical foundation, as many positive testimonials as possible, writing concise copy, and more. 

By the end of this blog, you will feel confident getting started on building an impeccable website designed to grow your mold remediation business!

make sure your website's technical Base is strong

If you want people to stick around on your website, it's important to ensure that the quality is consistent across all devices. 

That means all graphics and text should load quickly and without any issues if possible. If your content isn't loading properly, visitors aren’t likely to stick around, which can hurt your chances of conversion and can harm your SEO ranking.

To ensure your website is up to snuff, there are a few things you can do:

TIP: Having your website optimized for mobile is especially important, with 66% of consumers researching small businesses on their mobile devices. 


By taking these steps, you can shape your website into a well-oiled machine that runs smoothly and efficiently.

Research Accessibility Standards to Ensure Inclusivity

If you’re a local business looking to bring in more leads, the last thing you want to do is turn a portion of your potential customers away at the virtual door. If you aren’t taking the time to ensure your website is accessible, you’ll be doing just that. 

Fortunately, there are a few accessibility best practices you can follow to create a site that welcomes all visitors: 

  • Use Alt Text. Alternative (alt) text is descriptive copy that goes into detail about what images or graphics on your website are displaying. This is used by screen readers to describe visual elements to website visitors who are visually impaired. 
  • Avoid Flashing and Blinking. These elements can be potentially dangerous for people who experience seizures, as they can be seizure-inducing. If you have to include flashing on your site be sure to provide a clear and obvious warning with plenty of lead time. 
  • Research Color Schemes. Some people may find it surprising that even something as simple as your color scheme can be ostracizing for certain people. Ensuring that you are using a color scheme that is colorblind-friendly and uses high contrast for people with limited sight can make a huge difference. 
  • Use Captions. Including captions for any videos on your site is important for accessibility. In order for those who are hard of hearing to enjoy your video content, they need to have correct and easy-to-read captions available to them. 

Although following accessibility best practices may seem overwhelming at first, it’s key for small businesses like yours who are looking to connect with new customers. Taking these steps into account when building your mold removal website will go a long way toward ensuring inclusivity. 

make sure your calls to action are clear

Your mold remediation website's call to action, or CTA, is one of the most important elements on your entire site. After all, if a potential client can't figure out how to get in touch with you, they're not going to become a paying customer. 

That's why it's so important to make your CTA as specific and user-friendly as possible. These tips should help you do just that:

  • Provide a clickable phone number at the top of the page. This way, anyone who lands on your site will be able to immediately get in touch with you with just a  click. 
  • Consider using a chatbot so that potential clients can easily learn more information about your mold remediation services. 
  • Build a personalized CTA into your mold remediation website. A personalized CTA is one that is specifically designed for the individual user based on their behavior on your website.
  • Utilize forms so that people can quickly fill out their contact information and be put on your list for follow-up.

By following these best practices, you can be sure that your mold remediation website's CTA is effective and user-friendly, helping you to convert more leads into paying customers.

Free Download: Website Optimization Checklist

let your customer experience speak for itself

Your mold remediation website is the first place most potential customers will go to learn more about your business and what you can do for them. That’s why one of the best ways to build trust with potential customers is to showcase positive customer reviews directly on your website.

Customer testimonials let visitors know that you're a reputable company with happy customers. Potential customers can see the positive customer experience you provide, which helps build trust. Plus, customer referrals are more important than ever. 

Fortunately, generating those key testimonials isn’t as hard as you might think. We found that 71% of consumers are likely to leave a review when satisfied if the company makes it easy for them to do so. 


In other words, by following a few simple steps to encourage customers to leave reviews, you’re likely to see those key testimonials start coming in. Once you have those reviews, it’s time to feature them on your website.

Here are a few ways to ensure visitors notice your customer reviews:

  • Showcase testimonials on every page. This is an easy way to include reviews without being overbearing and will help to build trust with potential clients from the very beginning.
  • Have a separate testimonials page. This will give potential clients a chance to read through all of your reviews in a single place and get a better sense of your company’s overall experience.
  • Develop case studies to prove overall company success. These can be in-depth looks at some of your most successful mold remediation projects. Not only do they provide potential clients with concrete evidence of your success, but they also help show off your attention to detail and commitment to excellence.

No matter what way you choose to highlight your key testimonials, it’s imperative that you put them in front of potential customers. For many people, they can be the difference between hiring your mold removal company or turning to your competitors. 

Mold Removal Testimonial Example

Source: AdvantaClean

always write clear and concise content

When it comes to mold remediation websites, clarity, and conciseness are key. 

You want to make sure that your website is easy to navigate and that the information is easy to find, after all. At the same time, you don't want to sacrifice quality or accuracy for brevity. 

Here are some tips for achieving clear and concise copy on your mold remediation website:

  • Use bullet points to make it easier for your audience to quickly find what they need.
  • Read over your copy for clarity and spelling/grammar mistakes, then read over it again (and again). 
  • Balance copy with eye-catching images.
  • Break up copy with bold headings and subheadings where appropriate. 

By following these tips, you can create a mold remediation website that is both informative and engaging.

Mold Removal Website Content ExampleSource: PuroClean

Write Copy With SEO in Mind

For small businesses today, a crucial step to building out a website that converts is getting that website in front of as many potential customers as possible without breaking the bank on ad spend. 

That’s where search engine optimization comes in.

With SEO, you’re working to boost your website’s organic ranking so that it shows up for key searches in your area. You should keep this in mind when drafting your website copy. 

In other words, you’ll want to know the keywords or phrases that people are searching for so that you can use them in your copy. You can also create site pages for your high-value and in-demand services so that you can use more keywords without overdoing it. 

By taking the time to blend website copy with mold removal SEO, you’ll be able to get noticed by more potential customers and stand out from the competition. 

use images, awards, and affiliations to build trust

As a mold remediation company, you already know how important it is to build trust with potential customers. A key way to do that is by featuring awards, images, and affiliations prominently on your website.

To start, you’ll want to feature team photos. They show potential customers that there are real people behind the business. 

Additionally, if you can get some before-and-after shots of your team in action, even better. These photos will not only show off your workmanship, but they'll also give potential customers an idea of what to expect from your company.

Mold Removal Website Images Example

Source: 911 Restoration

As for awards and affiliations, these serve as independent endorsements of your business. So be sure to list any badges or certifications you have on your website. 

This will instantly give your mold remediation company more credibility in the eyes of potential customers. In fact, 69% of consumers said that membership in local organizations factors into their decision to hire a small business. 


Use Visual Elements to Provide More Info on Your Business

Not every potential customer is going to take the time to read the copy on your website. It’s unfortunate but it’s true. That means you need to take steps to encourage conversion from individuals who aren’t likely to read your content. 

Videos are a great way to do this. They showcase your company's values, culture, and professional process, allowing potential clients to get a sense of what they can expect when using your services. 

Mold Removal Video Example

Source: ServiceMaster Restore

Videos can also be a more convenient way for potential clients to get the information they need. This is especially important for mold remediation, where your customers are often stressed out and might not be in the headspace to read your copy. 

To top it all off, 50% of consumers said that seeing videos from small businesses makes them more likely to trust that business.


In addition to videos, there are other elements you can use to connect with potential customers. Keep these tips in mind when building your website:

  • Use infographics to display key information in a visual form. These graphics can highlight anything from your mold testing process to how you work with individuals and insurance companies. 
  • Improve relatability with social media posts. By using website plugins you can feature your social media posts directly on your website. This will help connect with a younger audience and add a personal touch to your business. 
  • Generate QR codes to link out to key information. With a simple scan, QR codes can direct potential customers to crucial places like your contact information, review page, and even directly to sending you an email. 

Graphics are an essential part of any mold remediation website because they provide potential customers with the information they need in a quick and convenient way.

By including any or all of these elements, you can make sure that your website has the best chance of converting potential customers into actual customers.

in conclusion

While it may seem like a lot of work to create a mold remediation website that converts, it's worth it in the long run. A well-designed website will help you attract more customers and grow your business. 

In terms of content, it is important to write clear and concise copy that explains the mold remediation process and why your company is the best choice for the job. You should also include testimonials from satisfied customers to help build trust with potential clients.

Meanwhile, on the design front, you will want to create a visually appealing site that is accessible and easy to navigate. 

Be sure to use strong calls to action throughout the site to encourage visitors to contact you for more information. Don't be afraid to put in the effort!

With a little hard work, you can build a website that's both informative and attractive to potential customers.

New call-to-action

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