How to Make Your Roofing Website Turn Visitors Into Customers
April 15, 2022 by Taylor Stafford

Improve Your Roofing Website to Turn More Visitors Into Customers

Updated on August 9, 2023

If you're a roofing company, it's important to have a website. Not only does it give you an online presence to link to with your marketing efforts, but it's also a great way to convert visitors into customers—the lifeblood of running a successful small business.

But it’s not just as simple as having a website. You need to take the right steps to ensure that your website is high quality. In fact, according to consumers, having a bad website is worse than not having a website at all.


In this blog post, we'll discuss the best tips for creating a top-tier website that turns visitors into paying customers. 

Some of those tips include having a strong technical foundation, clear and concise copy, testimonials from happy customers, engaging videos, and more. When you learn how to implement these tips into your roofing website, you'll see an increase in quality leads

Make Sure Your Website's Technical Foundation Is Strong

A roofing company's website is its digital storefront, and just like with brick-and-mortar stores, first impressions matter.

If a potential customer clicks on your roofing website only to find that it's slow to load or that the design is poor, they're likely to click away and go to a competitor's site. 

That’s why it's essential that your roofing website loads quickly on all devices regardless of user location. 

Additionally, all images, videos, and other graphic content must load properly. The last thing you want is for a potential customer to click on your roofing website only to be met with an error message.

Checking your page load speed and ensuring that all content is loading correctly is vital to keeping potential customers engaged with your roofing company's website. 

Not only that, but it's also important to make sure your roofing website is mobile-friendly. 

With 66% of consumers accessing the internet from mobile devices, it's essential to ensure that your roofing company's website can be easily viewed and navigated on a mobile device


Making sure your roofing website is running smoothly will help you engage with potential customers and win new business.

Use Accessibility Functions to Connect With All Visitors

It’s more important than ever to ensure you are taking care to make your website accessible to everyone, especially for small businesses looking to connect with more customers. 

Fortunately, there are a number of tips to keep in mind when building your website to increase inclusivity and promote accessibility. Here are a few:

  • Use alt text for all images and graphics so that screen readers can help visually impaired individuals know what content your site includes. 
  • Certain background and font colors can make it difficult for people to see what you have on your site so it’s important to use color schemes on your website that are colorblind inclusive.
  • Include video captions so that people who are hard of hearing can watch the videos that you are highlighting on your website. 
  • Do not include flashes or blinking on your website content, as they can be dangerous and induce seizures in some people. If you have to include these elements, be sure to feature clear warnings with plenty of time for people to click away if necessary.

By taking the time to implement these accessibility features, you’ll be working toward a more inclusive and welcoming roofing website for all potential customers. What could be better than that?

Free Download: Website Optimization Checklist

Calls to Action Should be Clear

For many small businesses, calls to action (CTAs) are essential for attracting and converting new clients. After all, if visitors to your website can't easily figure out how to contact you, they're not likely to become paying customers. 

That's why it's so important to have an effective CTA on your roofing website. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Provide a clickable phone number at the top of the page. This way, potential customers can immediately get in touch with you without having to search for your contact information.
  • Use a chat box. This is a great way to answer any questions potential customers may have and give them more information about your roofing services.
  • Utilize forms. Forms are an easy way for potential customers to request a quote or schedule an appointment without having to pick up the phone. Just be sure to keep the form short and sweet—no one wants to fill out a lengthy form just to get in touch with a roofer!
  • Build a personalized CTA. Something as simple as adding the customer's name to the CTA button can make a difference. Personalized CTAs are more likely to convert than generic ones, so it's worth considering if you want to attract more roofing leads.

Following these tips, you can create effective CTAs that engage potential customers and encourage conversion.


Source: Piney Orchard Roofing

Use Testimonials from Happy Customers

Your website is where your roofing company’s potential customers go to learn more about your business and decide whether or not to contact you for an estimate. 

That’s why it's important to make sure your website is as convincing and trustworthy as possible. One way to do this is by displaying positive customer reviews prominently on your site.


Source: Houston Roofing & Construction

Testimonials let visitors see the positive customer experience you provide from a customer's perspective. This can be extremely powerful in convincing someone to choose your roofing company over a competitor.

After all, if previous customers have been happy enough with your work to leave a review, there's a good chance they'll refer friends to your business as well.

Fortunately, there are a few different ways to generate reviews and ensure they are seen by potential clients. The first step is to ask for reviews: 71% of consumers said they are likely to leave a review if a business makes it easy for them to do so. 


Once you generate more reviews, follow these tips to prominently feature testimonials to catch potential customers’ attention:

  • Try showcasing at least one testimonial on every page of your website. This will help give visitors a sense of what others have said about your roofing services. 
  • Create a separate testimonials page where customers can read longer reviews. This is beneficial because potential customers won’t need to leave your site to read in-depth reviews.
  • Case studies can also be helpful in showing the quality of work you provide. Showcase customer reviews prominently on your website and you'll be more likely to build trust with potential clients and win roofing jobs.

Feature clean and clear copy

A roofing website is only as good as its content.

In other words, to persuade your visitors to choose you over the competition, you need to have clean and clear copy that tells them why you're the best roofer for the job. 

But what exactly does that entail?

First and foremost, it's important to be informative. tell your audience what services you offer, what your experience is, and why you're the best roofer for the job. 

However, being informative is only half the battle—you also need to be convincing. Use powerful language that convinces your readers that you're the roofer they can trust.

Additionally, don't forget about cake layering. This refers to the practice of including multiple calls to action on each page of your site. By doing this, you increase the chances that visitors will take action, whether it's subscribing to your email list or calling for a free consultation.


Source: Professional Roofing Services

Use Website Content to Boost SEO

It's also important to keep SEO in mind when writing your roofing website copy. 

Use relevant keywords throughout your site so that you rank high in search engine results. There are many different ways to use content to boost roofing SEO, from writing keyword-heavy site pages and claiming your Google Business Profile. 

By keeping these tactics in mind when building out your roofing website content you’ll see the boost in conversions you’re looking for.

Images, Awards, and Affiliations enhance credibility

The roofing industry is competitive, which means it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. 

One way to do this is by displaying authentic images and awards on your roofing website. This helps to show potential customers that you are a reputable and trustworthy business. 

These affiliations also help to build confidence in your brand. In fact, 69% of consumers said it is important that small businesses are members of local organizations. 


Another way to build confidence in customers is by displaying images of your work helps to give potential customers an idea of the quality of your workmanship.

Keep these tips in mind when looking for areas to showcase images and affiliations on your website:

  • Feature team photos on your website instead of stock images.
  • Display before and after photos of your roofing projects to showcase your workmanship.
  • List any badges or affiliations with well-known organizations and awards you've won. When customers see awards or learn that your business is associated with reputable organizations, they are more likely to contact you for a quote. 

Using any or all of these elements in tandem will help build trust with potential customers and convince them that you're the right roofer for the job!


Source: JC&C Roofing General Contractor Company

Use multiple website elements to connect with customers

In today’s age, it’s more important than ever that small businesses are using a variety of elements on their website to connect with visitors. No matter how much time and effort you put into writing your copy, not everyone will read it. 

That means that you need to use elements like videos, infographics, and social media images to connect with more people. In fact, 50% of consumers said seeing videos from small businesses makes them more likely to patronize that business. 


Videos are the perfect format for providing this information in an engaging and easy-to-digest way. 

Some ideas for roofing videos to include on your website are an overview of your roofing services, testimonials from happy customers, a tour of your roofing facility, and an introduction to your roofing team.


Source: Amstill Roofing

Additional Non-Text Elements to Include In Your Roofing Website:

  • Social Media Posts: If you already have a social media presence, you should use plugins to highlight those posts to engage with a younger audience and gain more followers.
  • QR Codes: Use these easily-generated codes to redirect website visitors to essential sites such as your contact page and your Google Reviews page.
  • Infographics: Displaying key information in ways that are easy to digest for people is key, and infographics are a great way to do this. Use these graphics to detail your service process, show how follow-ups work, and more.

By including these elements on your website, you’ll be able to show potential customers why you’re the roofer they should choose—and turn more website visitors into paying customers.


These best practices are important to follow in order to help you grow your roofing business and acquire more customers. 

By having a website that is informative, user-friendly, and visually appealing, roofers can attract more leads and convert more prospects into paying customers. 

Your website is the first place many potential customers will go to learn about your roofing business. That's why it's so important to make sure your roofing website has CTAs, testimonials, videos, awards, authentic images, and good copy. 

These elements will help finalize that you're the roofing business potential customer should choose. They'll also help your roofing website stand out from the competition. 

So take the time to ensure your roofing website has all of these important elements. It'll be well worth the effort when you see how many roofing website visitors turn into customers!

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