How Your HVAC Company can Dominate SEO
April 26, 2022 by Molly Weybright

How Your HVAC Company Can Dominate SEO

Updated on August 17, 2023

As an HVAC contractor, you know that it is important to have a strong online presence. Not only do you need an HVAC website that looks professional and modern, but you also need to make sure that your site is optimized for search engines.

In this blog post, we are going to talk about how local SEO can help your HVAC company dominate the competition. We will discuss how to use Google Business Profile and keywords to rank organically as well as optimize your website to ensure conversion once potential customers click through!

Of the small businesses that report using search engine optimization (SEO), 83% said that it was an effective part of their marketing strategy. It's clear that when SEO is done well it can improve your HVAC marketing strategy and help you get quality leads

Search Marketing SEO Effectiveness HVAC

The tips listed in this article will help boost your site to the first page of Google for the search terms that you deem the most important for your business. However, it's important to remember that SEO is a multi-faceted realm.

If you truly want to become an HVAC SEO expert, we recommend checking out some more in-depth resources. But in the meantime, these tips will help you start to bring in more of those quality HVAC leads you want!

Understanding HVAC SEO

HVAC search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of your HVAC website on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The goal of HVAC SEO is to attract more organic, unpaid traffic to your website, which can lead to increased leads and sales.

To get started with SEO for HVAC contractors, it's important to first understand the overall goal and concept of SEO as well as the basics of how it works.

You don't have to read entire books about SEO, you just need to understand how Google works and how you can increase your footprint on the best real estate on the web.

Search engines use algorithms to rank websites based on various factors, such as the quality and relevance of the content, the number of backlinks, and much more. HVAC SEO involves optimizing your website for these ranking factors so that your site appears higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

HVAC SEO Organic Web and Map Listings Example

While there are many different HVAC SEO strategies that you can use to improve your website's ranking, it's important to keep in mind that SEO is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. In other words, you need to continually work on your HVAC SEO strategy in order to maintain and improve your website's organic ranking.

The Challenges of SEO for HVAC Companies

In a recent Service Direct survey, we asked small businesses what their biggest challenges were with SEO. The result was a 3-way tie between the following common SEO hurdles, with  each receiving 24% of the overall vote:

  • Keyword research and/or content discovery and planning
  • Finding time/resources to dedicate to SEO efforts
  • Staying on top of search engine algorithm changes

Search Marketing SEO Biggest Challenge HVAC

Keyword Research and/or Content Discovery and Planning

Researching relevant keywords and phrases for your SEO strategy and then implementing them into your content is a critical aspect of SEO for HVAC companies

In order to start researching and selecting keywords with confidence, it’s worth looking at tools like SEMRush, Answer the Public, and Google Keyword Planner.

Many of these tools also offer extensive educational resources that will help you develop a keyword plan to suit your situation. You’ll want to choose keyword tools based on your budget and how tech-savvy you and your employees are.

Finding Time/Resources to Dedicate to HVAC SEO Efforts

Time and money are often the biggest barriers to success for small businesses, so it’s no surprise that this is such a common challenge when it comes to implementing effective SEO strategies.

Fortunately, there are plenty of SEO tools that are designed to streamline, automate, and optimize your HVAC SEO efforts so that you can do more with less. You might also consider partnering with a third-party marketing firm dedicated to helping small businesses succeed with SEO.

Staying on Top of Search Engine Algorithm Changes

The algorithms behind the world’s most popular search engines play a huge role in how information reaches searchers. While Google isn’t likely to give marketers a clear look at its raw algorithm anytime soon, we do know that it is constantly evolving in order to deliver the most useful results. 

Unfortunately, the fact that Google’s algorithm is constantly changing often means that by the time you feel like you’ve optimized your strategy, a major change is implemented. That’s why staying on top of recent updates is so important to a successful HVAC SEO strategy. 

It can be difficult and frustrating, but it’s definitely worthwhile. Subscribing to a few SEO newsletters or scheduling time every quarter to catch up on any changes are effective ways to stay in the know when the next major update comes down the pike. It will also give you plenty of time to tweak your HVAC SEO strategy as needed. 

Free Download: SEO Checklist

Where Can Your Company Show Up on Google?

Your HVAC website can appear organically in two places on the SERPs: organic map listings and organic web listings.

Getting your HVAC site to appear on the first page in these places is the entire point of your SEO strategy. Any clicks, calls, or conversions from these listings will not cost you anything, as opposed to paid search results, which can cost you up to $50 per click, depending on how competitive the keywords are.

Claim Your Google Business Profile

One of the best ways to optimize your site for search engines is to claim and verify your Google Business Profile. GBP is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence on Google, and it's the best way for HVAC companies to reach the 66% of consumers who use Google to find local businesses. 

Typical Methods Used When Researching a Small Business to Patronize HVAC

Not only does claiming your GBP give you control over what information is displayed about your business, but it also helps to improve your HVAC local SEO strategy.

So if you haven't claimed your GBP listing yet, stop what you're doing and do it now! It could make a big difference in your HVAC SEO efforts.

Google Business Profile and Google Maps

Google Maps is one of the most important tools for HVAC businesses to generate leads. It provides an up-to-date, accurate depiction of your business's location, hours, and contact information and is also one of the first places many potential customers will go when they are looking for an HVAC contractor in their area. 

Because of this, it is incredibly important that your Google Business Profile is claimed and correctly represents your business as you want potential customers to see it.

In addition to providing accurate contact information and hours of operation, you should also take advantage of the opportunity to showcase positive customer reviews, high-quality photos, and a link to your primary website. By taking a few simple steps to optimize your Google Maps listing, you can attract new leads and grow your business.

Google Business Profile Checklist HVAC

Use these tips to make sure that you are getting the most out of your HVAC company’s Google Business Profile: 

Verify Your HVAC Company's NAP Information

Setting up your NAP information (Name, Address, Phone number) is essential for organic SEO. It helps search engines and customers find your business quickly and easily. Here are some tips to help you set up your NAP information accurately:

  • Check your HVAC business listing on Google Business Profile and other online directories to make sure your NAP information is correct.
  • Use consistent formatting for your NAP information on all of your listings.
  • Include your NAP information on your website in the footer and/or contact page.
  • Make sure your NAP information is visible and easy to find on your website.
  • Make sure to update NAP across the board as soon as any changes are made.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your business is easy to find online and that customers can reach you quickly and easily once your site appears on the first page of the SERPs thanks to your HVAC SEO strategy!

Use Customer Reviews to Your Advantage

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
- Bill Gates, co-founder of the Microsoft Corporation


Customer referrals and reviews can be a great way to boost engagement and organic SEO, especially as they readily show up on your GBP listing. On top of that, nearly half of all consumers trust online reviews as much as a recommendation from friends or family.

Taking steps to acquire more reviews from satisfied customers is one of the best things you can do to grow your HVAC business.

Fortunately, 71% of consumers are likely to leave a review for a company if they make it easy to do so. Even a simple thank-you email with a link to your review page can lead to a noticeable increase in SEO-boosting testimonials. 

Likelihood of Leaving a Positive Review HVAC

Here are a few tips on how to use them to your advantage:

  • Make sure you have a strategy for soliciting and managing customer reviews. This will help you ensure that you are getting quality feedback that you can use to improve your business.
  • Don't be afraid of bad reviews. While they can be frustrating, they can also give you valuable insight into what your customers are thinking. Use negative reviews as an opportunity to learn and improve.
  • Be active in responding to customer reviews, both good and bad. Showing that you care about what your customers think will go a long way in boosting engagement and organic SEO.

By following these tips, you can make customer reviews work with your HVAC SEO strategy and help take your business to the next level.

Edit Your Business Profile Weekly to Keep it Up To Date

As a business owner, it's important to keep your profile updated regularly. Many potential customers take notice of businesses that haven't been updated in a while and may be less likely to engage with them.

Follow these tips to ensure you're maintaining a regular update schedule:

  • Update your products and/or services regularly to ensure customers are aware of everything you offer.
  • Publish Google Posts weekly to help customers to stay up-to-date on what's happening with your HVAC business.
  • Regularly upload new photos, whether they're pictures of services in action, employees, or the equipment itself. Customers like to see that businesses are active and evolving, plus when it comes to photos of your employees, people love to be able to put a face to the name.
  • Answer questions promptly and thoroughly. Customers appreciate knowing that their concerns are a priority, especially from their home service providers.

Once you do all of these, you will want to double-check that your Google Business Profile is listed on Google Maps. You can do this either by claiming the already existing profile on Maps or adding it manually.

Boost Your HVAC Company's Position on the Organic SERPS

SEO is all about making your HVAC site more visible and easy to find for potential customers who are using search engines like Google.

In addition to getting your HVAC company listed on Google Maps, one of the best ways to get noticed is to make sure your site appears on the first page of Google results for relevant keywords.

This can be achieved through careful keyword research and implementation, as well as other on-site and off-site tactics that will help your website rank higher, making it more likely that potential customers will find and click through to your site.

It's no secret that getting your HVAC website to rank for specific searches, especially those that are considered high-value searches, is difficult. But the important thing to remember is that it is in no way impossible, and every step you take toward boosting your organic ranking is a step in the right direction.

SEO Ranking Factors HVAC

Technical Improvements to Smooth Out the User Experience

Google is constantly evolving to provide the best possible user experience. That means that the way your website performs can have a big impact on your search engine ranking. By optimizing your website's performance, you can help improve your ranking and get more visibility for your HVAC business.

When it comes to website performance, there are a few key factors to keep in mind:

  • Website loading speed is a key factor in determining how long visitors will stay on your site; if your pages take too long to load, people are likely to click away before they even have a chance to see what you have to offer.
  • Mobile optimization is crucial in today's market as 66% of consumers are using their mobile devices to search for local businesses.
  • Website security is essential in order to protect both your visitors' information and your own data. If your site is compromised, it could have serious repercussions.
  • Metadata and descriptions are important for both search engine optimization and making sure that your visitors know what they're going to find when they reach your site.

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you can ensure that your HVAC website is performing at its best and influence Google to trust that your site will provide the answers potential customers are looking for.

Content Improvements to Help You Rank Higher

Now that you have taken the time to improve the technical aspects of your HVAC website, it's time to take a closer look at the content. By ensuring that the content on your site is not only engaging and easy to understand but is also keyword-rich, you will continue to see a boost in HVAC organic leads.

Create Individual Service Category Pages for Keyword Rich Content

If you want to rank higher for specific keywords without keyword stuffing (Google doesn't like that) you should create sub-pages within your website for different service categories you offer.

This way you can dedicate more content to the terms that you want to rank for and direct potential customers directly to a page with the information they need based on their search.

Air Duct Cleaning Site Page Example HVACExample: The Steam Team

By providing relevant, targeted content on these pages, you'll be more likely to rank higher in search results for those terms and attract new customers. So if you're looking to improve your HVAC website's SEO, creating service pages is a great place to start.

Create Even More Content With Thoughtful Blog Posts

If you want to organically boost your HVAC SEO ranking on Google, one of the best things you can do is produce regular, high-quality content. This can be in the form of blog posts, articles, infographics, or even videos. The important thing is that the content is engaging and helpful for your customers.

Rather than just writing for the sake of keyword stuffing, think about what your customers might find helpful or interesting and write with that goal in mind.

Not only will this help your website rank higher for relevant keywords, but it will also help you engage with new potential customers and build trust with your existing ones. 40% of consumers said being able to read more about a company and its insights in a blog would make them more likely to patronize that business. 

Importance of Blog Content When Patronizing Small Business HVAC

Some good HVAC blog topics might include energy-saving tips for homeowners, how to keep your home cool in the summer without overworking your AC unit, and troubleshooting common HVAC problems.

Ultimately, you want to consider what keywords you want to rank for and what sort of content could be mutually beneficial to your HVAC website's ranking and your customers' daily lives.

Foster Relationships With Other Companies to Get Backlinks

Google trusts websites that other websites link to, so when your HVAC blog or website is backlinked from a high-quality website, it's like getting a stamp of approval. Because Google wants to give its users the best possible experience, it is designed to show them results from authoritative sources.

So, when other companies link to your site, it's a signal to Google that you're a reliable source of information on HVAC solutions.

The more quality websites that link back to yours, the more weight Google will give to your site, and as a result, you'll be more likely to show up in search results when people are looking for HVAC services.

Make Sure Your Organic Result Sticks Out and Encourages Conversion

Your HVAC website is now ranking on the first page of Google for your desired search terms, congrats! But wait, you're not quite done.

Even when your site appears on the first page there are still 8 to 10 other sites that appear as well. You need to ensure your HVAC website is the one that gets the clicks, and here's how.

Speak Google's Language With Schema Markup

When scanning the web for solutions to a search query, Google sometimes has a hard time understanding exactly what a website is about. This is where schema markup comes in. Schema markup is a code that you can add to your website to help Google understand your content.

What does that mean? Take a look at the following example…

Schema Markup Examples HVAC

By using schema markup, you can ensure that your website appears prominently on the SERPs and that your content is accurately represented. In addition, using schema markup can help your company stand out from others on the SERPs. As a result, schema markup is an essential tool for any HVAC company that wants to improve its online visibility.


Now that you understand the importance of SEO for your HVAC company and how to go about implementing an effective strategy, it’s time to get started.

We’ve outlined all the steps you need to take and provided helpful resources along the way but keep in mind that SEO is a continually evolving field, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on best practices and make regular updates to your website.

With some diligence and effort, you should begin to see a significant boost in organic traffic and leads from potential customers searching online for HVAC services like yours!

Ready to learn even more about marketing for your HVAC company? Download our free HVAC marketing guide and get started today!

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