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March 28, 2024 by Molly Weybright

What Platform is Best for Advertising Your Roofing Business

Advertising your roofing business effectively is not just about reaching out to potential customers; it's about creating a lasting impression that sets you apart from the competition. 

In the highly competitive roofing industry, establishing a strong brand identity and communicating your unique selling points effectively are crucial steps towards achieving long-term success. 

Let’s delve into how you can use these roofing advertising tips and tricks to elevate your marketing strategy.

Best Practices for marketing Your Roofing Business

Successful advertising is all about staying top of mind for new and existing customers while standing out from the competition. You can achieve this by focusing on a strong brand identity and clear communication of your unique selling points (USPs).

Examples of Unique Selling Points for Roofing Business

Sharpen your brand identity by staying consistent with all of your roofing marketing assets including your logo and color scheme. This helps your roofing company be easily recognizable. 

You’ll also want to put emphasis on the quality of your roofing services by obtaining and highlighting reviews whenever possible. With 71% of consumers being willing to leave a review if you make it easy for them to do so, all you have to do is ask!

71% of consumers are at least likely to leave a positive online review if a small business makes it easy for them to do so.

In addition to fortifying your brand identity, you’ll want to communicate effectively to your target audience. Understanding and effectively communicating your USPs is vital in differentiating your roofing business from competitors. 

Your USPs are the foundation of your roofer marketing strategy; they attract and retain customers by highlighting what makes you the better choice. Including them in your marketing messaging is a surefire way to improve your roofing advertising ideas.

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How to Advertise Your Roofing Business on Social Media

Social media platforms offer unique opportunities for roofing businesses to engage with their community. Effective social media advertising generates leads and showcases your work in a way that is easily discovered. 

This is especially true with younger generations, as the majority of people under 30 are finding local businesses through social media sites like Facebook and TikTok.

The majority of people under thirty are patronizing small businesses as a result of Google maps listing, Facebook ads, and TikTok ads, respectively.


Facebook groups and pages are excellent for community engagement and lead generation. By creating a business page, you can share updates, photos, and engage with your audience. 

Joining local groups as your roofing business can also help you connect with potential customers in your area as well as form mutually beneficial relationships with other businesses.

The Worlds Most Used Social Platforms Graphic
Image source

Facebook's targeting options are vast, allowing you to reach potential customers based on location, interests, behaviors, and more. Facebook also provides detailed analytics to track your ad performance, helping you understand what works and adjust your strategies accordingly.


Instagram's visual nature is perfect for showcasing the quality of your roofing work. Utilize Instagram stories and live features to engage with followers in real time, providing a behind-the-scenes look at projects or answering questions live.

Use Instagram ads to reach potential customers within your service area by setting up targeted ad campaigns. Leverage high-quality images and videos of your roofing projects to attract attention and showcase your expertise.


TikTok is all about creativity and trends. Creating viral content by tapping into current trends and utilizing TikTok's unique video editing features can significantly increase your visibility, especially with younger generations. Participate in or create your own TikTok challenges to engage with a broader audience.

Partnering with micro-influencers can help spread the word about your roofing services to a wider audience. These influencers will have loyal audiences who trust their word on various services. Making the most of that loyalty is a fantastic roofer advertising strategy.


Nextdoor is a hyper-local platform that allows you to directly connect with the neighborhoods and communities you serve.

Here’s how you can use Nextdoor to grow your roofing business:

  • Share Expertise: Regularly post roofing ideas, tips, maintenance advice, and respond to inquiries to establish your business as a local authority.

  • Local Authority: Being active and helpful on Nextdoor can build trust and establish your roofing business as a go-to local service provider.

  • Seasonal Tips: Keep an eye on the weather and stay active on Nextdoor during the times when your services are most needed.

How to Advertise Your Roofing Business On Google

Google offers powerful tools for advertising your roofing company online, helping you reach potential customers at the exact moment they're searching for roofing services. In fact, two thirds of consumers report using Google to patronize a small business.

66% of consumers use Google when researching a small business to patronize.

Put simply, Google should be a primary advertising outlet for your roofing company.

Website Optimization

A well-optimized website is your first step in attracting online traffic and converting visitors into customers.

With most searches happening on mobile devices, ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly. This improves user experience and contributes positively to your search rankings.

An overwhelming majority of consumers use a mobile phone to research a small business to patronize.

In addition, a blog with helpful roofing tips and industry insights can significantly boost your website's traffic. Regularly updating your content helps establish your authority in the roofing industry and boosts SEO.

Local SEO

For roofing businesses, local visibility is crucial. Enhancing your local SEO strategy can help you be found by the right people at the right time without needing an expansive advertising budget. 

Keep these tips in mind when improving your local SEO strategy:

  • NAP Consistency: Ensure your business’s Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) are consistent across all online platforms. This consistency is vital for improving your visibility in local search results.

  • Engage with Reviews: Actively engage with customer reviews on Google My Business and other review platforms. Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, can improve your business’s trustworthiness and local SEO ranking.

  • Use Google Posts: Google Posts are a great way to signal to Google that your roofing business is active. Plus you can add keywords to encourage organic search. 

  • Enhance with Visuals: Including photos of recent jobs will help your business stand out. Plus, videos are becoming the most popular form of content that consumers are engaging with. 

Pay-Per-Click Ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allows you to display ads to users who are actively searching for roofing services on popular sites like Google.

Choose keywords for your ads that potential customers are likely to use when searching for roofing services. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner to find high-intent keywords that can drive conversions.

A screenshot of Google Keyword Planner results when doing keyword research for roofing pay per click.

To ensure your PPC campaigns are cost-effective, focus on optimizing your ad spend. This can be done by using your budget on targeted ads for niche groups in your area. 

Use targeted landing pages for each ad group to improve conversion rates. These pages should directly address the user’s search intent and guide them towards taking action, such as scheduling a consultation or requesting a quote.

How Affiliate Marketing Can Boost Your Business

Affiliate marketing can be a potent tool for your roofing business, allowing you to extend your reach without the immediate need for upfront advertising expenses. Here’s how to effectively implement an affiliate program and its benefits:

  1. Develop an affiliate program with attractive incentives for marketers who successfully refer new customers to your business. 
  2. Choose your affiliate partners carefully. Ideal candidates could include bloggers and influencers within the home improvement industry who already have the audience you want to reach.
  3. Ensure that you have the tools to convert. Your roofing company should have the sales tools and tactics in place to turn as many leads as possible into a booked job

Affiliate marketing allows you to tap into new markets and audiences through your affiliates' networks, expanding your visibility far beyond your existing channels. Plus, affiliate marketing tends to be highly cost-effective, which makes it a low-risk roofing company advertising strategy.

How to Measure Marketing Success and ROI

To ensure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, it's crucial to measure success and return on investment meticulously. 

Set clear, measurable goals for what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts, whether it's increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting service bookings. The OKR goal-setting methodology could be a great place to start for small businesses unfamiliar with goal setting and tracking. 

Utilize analytics tools to track your progress towards these goals. Tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and PPC campaign data can provide valuable feedback on your marketing strategies’ performance.

Be sure to use the insights gained from tracking your roofing advertising efforts to fine-tune your strategies. Continuously optimizing your approach based on performance data ensures your marketing investments contribute to profitable growth.

FAQs About Marketing a Roofing Business

How Can I Differentiate My Roofing Business in a Competitive Market?

Focus on building a strong brand identity that reflects your unique value proposition and quality of work. Engage with your community through social media and local events to build trust and recognition.

What's the Most Effective Way to Use Facebook for My Roofing Business?

Utilize Facebook groups to connect with your local community and Facebook ads for targeted advertising. Ensure your content is engaging and informative to encourage shares and increase visibility.

How Can Instagram Stories Benefit My Roofing Business?

Instagram stories allow you to share behind-the-scenes content, project progress, and customer testimonials in real time, building authenticity and trust with your audience.

Is TikTok a Viable Platform for Roofing Advertising?

Yes, TikTok's unique format offers the opportunity to create engaging, viral content that can showcase your work and expertise. Participate in challenges and collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience.

How Important Is Website Optimization for My Roofing Business?

Extremely important. A mobile-friendly, fast-loading website improves user experience and search engine rankings. Including a blog can also help establish your authority and improve SEO.

Can Local SEO Really Help My Roofing Business?

Absolutely. Optimizing for local search improves your visibility to people searching for roofing services in your area. Ensure your NAP information is consistent across listings, and actively manage your online reviews.

How Do I Choose Keywords for My PPC Campaigns?

Select keywords based on your services and the search terms potential customers are likely to use. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner for insights and consider long-tail keywords for higher intent searches.

What Are the Advantages of Affiliate Marketing for Roofing Companies?

Affiliate marketing can extend your reach with lower upfront costs. It leverages the networks of local businesses and influencers, turning them into referral sources on a commission basis.

How Do I Measure the Success of My Marketing Efforts?

Set clear goals and use analytics tools to track website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates. Calculate your ROI by comparing the revenue generated from campaigns against the costs to determine profitability.

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